Friday, May 29, 2020

Networking Tell Your Story

Networking Tell Your Story The LinkedIn for Executives webinar is TODAY (Wednesday) details at Experts-Connection. Its going to be awesome seriously. How do you tell your story? How do you create your bio on Twitter, or your LinkedIn Summary, or a networking 30 second commercial? How do you really communicate your value-add in an interview in a way that leaves a strong, memorable impression? For many of us this is just too hard, for various reasons.  One reason is that we arent good at talking about ourselves we havent ever been given permission (dont brag!).  Or we dont want to overwhelm anyone with all of our fantastic achievements.  Or we think our achievements arent really fantastic.  Or we start telling all of our fantastic achievements and people start snoring. Whatever the reasons are, we need to get over them and get good at telling our own stories.  Im excited to announce a new book to help you understand this and create your own stories.  Im the executive editor of the book titled Storytelling about Your Brand Online Offline.   This book helps you understand the concepts around telling your stories and gives you tools and tactics to create your own stories. Check out the Storytelling book page to get more info on what is in the book.  You can get this in paperback ($22.95) and/or ebook ($16.95) format. Congrats to Bernadette Martin for her first book I know it has been a huge project and has taken a lot of time and effort félicitations! Networking Tell Your Story The LinkedIn for Executives webinar is TODAY (Wednesday) details at Experts-Connection. Its going to be awesome seriously. How do you tell your story? How do you create your bio on Twitter, or your LinkedIn Summary, or a networking 30 second commercial? How do you really communicate your value-add in an interview in a way that leaves a strong, memorable impression? For many of us this is just too hard, for various reasons.  One reason is that we arent good at talking about ourselves we havent ever been given permission (dont brag!).  Or we dont want to overwhelm anyone with all of our fantastic achievements.  Or we think our achievements arent really fantastic.  Or we start telling all of our fantastic achievements and people start snoring. Whatever the reasons are, we need to get over them and get good at telling our own stories.  Im excited to announce a new book to help you understand this and create your own stories.  Im the executive editor of the book titled Storytelling about Your Brand Online Offline.   This book helps you understand the concepts around telling your stories and gives you tools and tactics to create your own stories. Check out the Storytelling book page to get more info on what is in the book.  You can get this in paperback ($22.95) and/or ebook ($16.95) format. Congrats to Bernadette Martin for her first book I know it has been a huge project and has taken a lot of time and effort félicitations!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Stress reduction for the INFP Your inner life is your hidden strength.

Stress reduction for the INFP Your inner life is your hidden strength. This course  includes four days of video sessions and email-based course materials.  You can purchase this course  for anytime, on-demand access. The cost is $195.   Sign up now! My editor is an INFP. He is crazy, but he doesnt know hes crazy. The first crazy thing he did was email me out of the blue and ask if he could be my editor. This is what he wrote, I have no experience editing but I love your writing and  the only way I can figure out how to be able to read more of it is to be your editor. Maybe he didnt write that exactly, but something like that. He is not going to edit this post, so when he reads that, he will smile. It will be a slow, slight smile, but it will be a big smile inside. Thats how he is. Very little happens on the outside, but lots and lots on the inside. The first thing he edited he cut 75% of what I wrote. I immediately saw he was right. And then I wondered what I had published earlier that he would have cut. All of a sudden I felt like there is no way I could write without him. That was seven years ago. Neither of us is very good at having friends. We are both too weird, but in opposite ways. He is too weird because everything has to be about meaning, and deep purpose. I am weird because everything has to be about money and how I will expand my empire. We meet in the center as an oddly matched support system. We dont talk about being close friends, but when I am too sad to do anything,  I call him. I say, I cant write. Im too sad. When he went through a divorce, he was nearly incapacitated. Some weeks I talked to him every day about his personal life. But then Id send him a post about resumes or a tirade about someones book, and hed edit without missing a beat. Talking with him on the phone is like talking to the wall. The long silences make me ask, all the time, Are you still there? And I have to remember to stop talking to give him space to think. And. Then. To. Talk. But its always worth the wait. My editor is funny and smart and so well read. He is  a great editor when my life is  startups, he is  a great editor when my life is  interpersonal drama, and he can even edit post after post about my garden without jumping to the conclusion that no one cares. Although every time I write about my hedge, he says the post is boring. So I am sneaking the hedge into this post. Do you see in the picture how I cut a tiny passage  for little kids? I tried to be in a reading group with him because he was reading such cool books. I read Junot Diaz but he was reading so much faster than I was. It was too much pressure. He reads and reads and reads. And then he thinks. And then he reads. And I know Im lucky that he stops in between to edit. When I found out he was an INFP I told him its impossible. I would never like an INFP. They are too sensitive. He was quiet. No response. For anyone else that would mean I insulted him. For him it just means, Thats okay. Im fine. So I talked over him, of course, to tell him why he is not an INFP. But he is. He is flexible, calm and intolerant of fakery, and  miraculously, he also gets paid a lot. Not from me, of course. I mean, I pay him but believe me, he is not editing me for the money. He gets paid a lot in his day job, which is compliance. He makes sure the rules and the systems to follow the rules are in sync. At first I thought this was a terrible INFP job, but then I realized his job is to create a calm  work environment. And that makes sense to me, because he creates a calm environment for me, as well, and I think thats what really makes him a great editor. I will force him to make a special appearance in this course. He will talk about how to get along with people who are pushy, intolerant, and obsessed with achievement. But really, this course will  show you  how to think more deeply about the  purpose of life, and then set your own life up in a meaningful way while still being able to pay the bills: Session one: Understand how you fit into the world around you.   Other people are not like you. And its not just that they are different, but often they dont even speak your language. Luckily, you are an incredibly flexible, sympathetic person, and you are able to understand them. This session will show you how to use the gifts youre born with to help people understand you. Everyone does, actually, want to understand you once you know how the INFP personality type relates to each of the other types, youll have a clear picture of how to connect in a meaningful way with anyone. Session two: Get paid for work that makes you feel good.   You need a job that allows you to be authentic and harmonious in your everyday life. This session will show you how to find that. You work best in ways that are unconventional. For example, you are best in bursts rather than working at a slow, steady pace. And you thrive under a last-minute deadline. You are very valuable when it comes to generating ideas, but you are overwhelmed in a loud, boisterous brainstorming session. This session will give you a clear picture of the work environment that is best for you. Then Ill tell you how to get it. Session three: Create the ideal family for you.   Your sixth sense about what feels right will be a good guide for finding a mate. You are unique, and you need to rely on your instincts rather than conventional wisdom. This session will show you how to rely on your instincts with confidence when it comes to your personal life. No one is a better guide than you, but thats not the message you get from the outside world. Your high expectations are both inspiring and frustrating to yourself and those around you. This session will show you how to channel your strong values and high ideals to create a caring and harmonious home life. Session four: Ask me anything! We can talk about anything thats on your mind. Remember, the cost of the course is $195. Sign up now!

Friday, May 22, 2020

The NEW Golden Rule - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

The NEW Golden Rule - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career If you ask most anyone in serious networking circles what the Golden Rule of Networking is, they we reflectively respond, “Give First, Get Second.” While there is lots of truth in that answer, it is not the complete answer. It can’t be, as there is much more to successful networking than just giving. Networking is about developing relationships with other people and then (while contributing to the lives of others) parlaying those relationships into things that benefit you …referrals … information … other contacts. So the key to successful networking is getting lots of great people interested in you. This, however, almost begs the question, “How do I get people interested in me?” How do I get people interested in me? The best way to answer that is to ask yourself this, “Why do I want to network with certain people?” After all, it only makes sense that the reasons why you want to network with certain people are likely the same reasons why others would want to network with you. With that simple revelation, it makes perfect sense that if you adopt the same characteristics, attitudes and habits of the people you want to network with, then others will want to network with you. In very simple terms, you need to become the person you want to network with. This is the NEW Golden Rule of Networking. Become the person you want to network with. So, answer this: Who do you want to network with? In the most general of terms, you want to network with people that you know, like and trust. However, you need to drill down into more specific questions, such as … • What do you want to KNOW about others? • What makes you LIKE others? • What builds your TRUST in others? If you really think about it and work to uncover the answers to these three questions, then you have found out exactly why you want to network with other people. More importantly, however, this exercise reveals to you exactly the person you need to become to get other people to want to network with you. Again, become the person you want to network with. To get at this, take a moment to examine each of these questions. What do we want to KNOW about others? What do we want to KNOW about others? For example, you cannot help but be impressed by the doers of the world, as those that go the extra mile for company, community or country always seem to have a following. Why not become one? What other qualities in people do you admire? Sense of humor? Optimism? Courage? Endeavor to take those on. Become the person you want to network with. What makes us LIKE others? What makes us LIKE others? As with most people, you cannot help but like people who like you and as such you want to be around people who seem to take a liking to everyone. With that little nugget, you should find a reason to like everyone and do all you can to express it as genuinely as possible. What other characteristics in people do you find attractive? Compassion? Thoughtfulness? Generosity? You should seek to adopt those mindsets. Become the person you want to network with. What builds our TRUST in others? What builds our TRUST in others? Admit it, you have a natural trust for the person who does what they say they are going to do. With that, you should become the person upon which others can rely. What traits in other people make them trustworthy in your eyes? Conscientious? Honest? Open-Minded? You should try to mimic these behaviors. Become the person you want to network with. Yes, giving to the world around you quietly inspires others to give that generosity back. If, however, you endeavor to mirror the characteristics, attitudes and habits of those you aspire to network with, legions of others will strive to network with you â€" giving you much more in the end. Author: Frank Agin is the founder and president of AmSpirit Business Connections. In addition, Frank is the author of Foundational Networking: Building Know, Like and Trust To Create A Lifetime of Extraordinary Success and the co-author of LinkedWorking: Generating Success on the World’s Largest Professional Networking Website and The Champion: Finding the Most Valuable Person in Your Network.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Essential advice for new college grads

Essential advice for new college grads One of the things I love most about the advice-to-grads motif is that you learn a lot about the advice giver from the advice. When you force yourself to give short, smart advice, you end up focusing on the stuff that matters most to you. Sheryl Sandberg, for example, gives amazing graduation speeches, but she always touches on how more women can live the life she is living, and they should aspire to that. Thats whats important to her. JK Rowling focuses on feeling okay if you fail. It makes sense: she has spoken of how she was on public assistance and suicidal before she was queen of all publishing. My advice focuses on challenging your preconceived notions. I think this is what I do best, so, of course, I tell people to go out in the world and do this. Who you take advice from is important. I hate people who are snobs about career advice. You can get great advice from people who are terrible at life. And you can get terrible advice from people with grand successes. The trick is to understand where the person is coming from when they give the advice . So, Im going to give my advice here. And what Im hoping is that you guys will give snippets of advice to June grads as well in the comments section. And as you give the advice, notice what the advice you give says about the person you are. To me thats always more interesting than the advice itself. My advice: The job market is not what you think it is. And thats why finding a job is so difficult when you graduate. So heres a list of seven things that you need to know to do well in the job market. You need to know a lot more, for sure. But these are probably seven things you dont know, because most people who have been in the workforce for years still dont know them. 1. Your resume is not your work history. Its a marketing document. Tell people what they want to hear about you. Leave out the other stuff. Thats not lyingthats selling. A great way to write a resume is to write a draft version of the resume youd need to get the job you want and then work backwards to gather the experience to make that resume true enough to send out. 2. Your career is not a one-word answer to a common question. Your career is a story. When someone says, What do you do? you need a great answer with a story of how you got there to back it up. Do you know what makes any answer a great answer? The story you tell. People like stories. Read Chip and Dan Heaths book Made to Stick to learn to tell good stories about yourself. The book wont teach you overnight, but overnight youll believe me that telling a good story about your career is one of the most important skills you can develop. Because people hire people who have good stories. 3. Your title is not about the job you have, its about the job youre getting. The duties of your job are independent of your title. You can be on a great project as assistant to the assistant of nothingness. And you can have the title VP of everything and be responsible for getting coffee for people. All day long. So the title you have at the current job doesnt impact your job. What it does impact is what job you get next. Get a title that will make you sound a little more like a good fit for the job you really want. Often that will make up for experience you are lacking. And dont get an inflated title because youll look like you took a demotion on your resume when you go to a company that doesnt give inflated titles. 4. Job hopping is a tool for career development. No one is going to manage your skill building except you. And you learn fastest by going from job to job and keeping your learning curve high. The average workplace learning curve starts leveling off after the second year on the job. So you can imagine the career death that non-job hoppers experience. This is why you need to get in a positive job hopping grooveget a job, make a big contribution to their bottom line, feature that on your resume and move on to the next challenge. 5. Entrepreneurship is for building your resume. Your company can fail. It doesnt matter. You can build your company in your parents basement. No one needs to know. What people will see is that youre a self-starter, you are full of ideas, and you can execute on them. So what if they dont work? You tried. The most important thing, though, is that if its your company you can assign yourself all the projects you need for resume building. Entrepreneurship helps build any type of career. Do you want to go from sales to marketing? Start a company, do all the marketing, and then put that on your resume. Done. Youre ready to move into marketing. Keep using entrepreneurship as a skill-building path and youll never be stuck in a career you dont like. 6. The best job location is near friends and family. It used to be that new grads moved all over the country. There is no money for that today. It used to be that new grads flocked to New York City. But most of you should not move to NYC because the competitionfor everythingcreates constant, low-level dissatisfaction, so its worth it only if you have to be the best. (Heres a test to see if you should be in NYC.) The biggest relocation mistakes people make are when they start thinking something matters more than living near friends and family. More misguided thinking on location: you need somewhere special to do your best work. You probably dont. I work from crazy places like my sons favorite skateboard park. If you tell yourself you can do your best work anywhere then you remove a big barrier to becoming great. And anyway, the Sartorialist says that in the future, everything will be a coffee shop. 7. The economy does not affect you. Sure, its true, this is not a great time in the history of the US economy. But you know what? You are not a spreadsheet, you are a person. Your career is not governed by the GDP, its governed by your ability to target smart opportunities and keep yourself learning and engaged. It doesnt matter if its a market that favors employers because you are going to offer up your skills in the best way possible, no matter what. And people who do this well are employable no matter what the economy is doing.

Friday, May 15, 2020

8 Rock-Solid Tips That Will Help You Become a Freelance Writer

8 Rock-Solid Tips That Will Help You Become a Freelance Writer â€" Starting any sort of new occupation can be both stressful and uncertain, let alone a freelance one. You’ve heard good things about it, but you’re not sure that you have what it takes to fight your way through the more experienced competition. Believe it or not, nothing can compare to the exhilarating and rewarding experience that is freelance writing.There’s nothing better than working in your spare time and earning a little extra on the side or even making freelance writing your full-time job down the road. We’re here today to help you achieve exactly that, with some rock-solid tips that any freelance writer should be aware of.1) Self-motivationevalevalThe most important skill that you can develop as a freelancer is self-motivation. Like we’ve mentioned before, starting out will be not only difficult but stressful as well. You will meet clients you obviously can’t work with and they will ask for ludicrous work for a small fee, but this is all a part of the process.Like a ny new freelance writer, you will have to motivate yourself and stay positive, because good times are coming. Not every client will be perfect, but those who are will make it all worthwhile.2) Build a reputationBeing professional from the get-go can go a long way. You don’t want clients to look at you and see a cheap workforce that doesn’t care enough. Make sure that you set up your profile at one of the many freelance websites out there in a detailed and orderly fashion. Use a proper profile picture, use full sentences in your bio and make sure that you keep that profile updated.Anyone who sees your profile will instantly see a person who respects themselves and you will attract potential clients that much easier. Just take a look at some of the profiles that professional freelance writers set up for themselves and you’ll get the idea.3) Explore the platformWhichever platform you choose for your freelance career, make sure to take it one step at a time. Take some time to expl ore different contests, writers, and clients. Be a spectator for a little while, because this is the best way to learn what skills are in demand and which ones are in surplus.As a freelancer, you will have to learn to live a life of learning. As crazy as it seems, your clients will ask for more challenging and rewarding work as the time goes by, and you will need to accommodate those needs. Use your colleagues to learn as much as possible about writing on that particular platform before venturing too far into it yourself.4) Learn to learnLike we’ve mentioned before, a freelancer is a constant learner. This means that you will need sources that will help you learn as much as possible about different topics and styles. There will often be very little time for learning new things because the turnaround time for writers is often very short.evalThe name of the game will always be “learn by doing”. Checking out websites such as MasterGrades will give you a good idea about what’s i n store for you as a freelance writer. Make sure that you pay attention to every detail and piece of knowledge because you will soon learn how to turn that knowledge into income.eval5) Build a networkThere’s no better way to acquire new clients and contracts than by building a network. You will meet a lot of clients and colleagues by spending time online. Make sure that you build relationships with them and connect on a professional level. This will not only put you on their radar but help you figure out what the market is looking for right now.You can even share or forward work between each other if one of you can’t manage a specific task. These are only a few reasons why networking should be a big priority for you â€" make sure that you make friends.6) Listen to the clientPay attention to what the client is looking for. This can often be a deciding factor in landing a contract. People usually don’t pay much attention to client briefs and this leads to contract terminations a nd bad reputation.evalAlternatively, it can also create misunderstanding between the writer and their client because the brief was too vague or the writer understood something in a wrong way. Take a look at some of the examples to get a better idea of what’s waiting for you.To avoid any such nuisance, read every brief and message twice if not more before answering or accepting a job. There’s no point in landing a job if it’s impossible or too difficult to wrap up.7) Organize your workBelieve it or not, it will not be long until you land your first contract. That being said, it’s important to develop an organizational mindset for your files and clients. It’s far too easy to lose sight of important documents and have to explain yourself to the client. It makes you look bad and it creates additional problems.Find a system that works for you personally and make sure that you stick to it whatever project you’re working on.8) Time managementAs a freelance writer, you will face different and unfamiliar obstacles. Like many writers, you will start writing in your spare time and make freelance work a bigger part of your life with each passing day. It’s important not to lose sight of your real-life obligations such as your college or day-job, family, and friends, etc.Organizing your personal time is just as important as organizing your work files, so don’t be afraid to tell your client that you are a person as well. You will not only develop time management skills this way but also appreciate your free time much more.IN CONCLUSIONAnd while freelance writing is wonderful to many people, you can see that it’s not as simple as it sounds. There are numerous skills and obstacles to overcome in order to build up as a successful freelancer. There really isn’t a wrong way to go about it.All you have to do is create an account on your favorite freelance platform and give it a shot. Eventually, you’ll realize that you are up to the task, and these rock-solid tips will only help you go up.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Make a Career in Healing Injuries - CareerAlley

Make a Career in Healing Injuries - CareerAlley We may receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners. Would you like to work in the healthcare field, but cant handle either the many years of school or the sight of blood? Well, the good news is that there are many different careers in the healthcare sector that cater to various skill sets and professional levels. Better still, these careers are also rapidly growing. Wherever your specific interests lie, from administration to analysis, chances are there is a healthcare career for you. Here are 5 great career opportunities in the health field. Registered nurse Registered nursing is a good career opportunity for those who want a hands-on healthcare career. Registered nurses play an important role in providing patient care, often offering treatment, support, and advice. There are 3 ways you can become a registered nurse: through an associates nursing degree, a bachelors nursing degree, or a diploma in nursing from an approved course. On average, a registered nurse earns about $67, 720 per year and opportunities in this field are expected to grow by 22% from 2008-2018. Health Care Administrator If youre interested in the healthcare field but prefer working behind-the-scenes, you should consider a job as a health care administrator. In this career, you may manage operations like billing, insurance, purchasing, scheduling, and admissions. In smaller departments and facilities, a bachelors degree may be sufficient for some entry-level jobs. However, this position usually requires a health care administration masters degree. The average earning potential for this job is $93,670 per year and its expected to grow by 16% from 2008-2018. Radiologist Radiologists are trained healthcare professionals who help other doctors and physicians to treat patients by carrying out a diagnosis and offering treatment with medical imaging. A radiologist has the medical know-how to understand and explain a medical symptom or problem through the images that are taken from various parts of the body. Radiologists can work in various radiology subspecialties like breast imaging, cardiac imaging, pediatric imaging, musculoskeletal imaging, or interventional radiology. In order to become a radiologist, you can take a bachelors degree or associates degree program. After that, you can further your education and become a fully certified medical radiologist or doctor of radiology. The median wage for radiologists is $54,000 per year, while fully certified radiologists can earn $100,000 annually. Opportunities in this field are expected to grow by 22% from 2008-2018. Medical Assistant Unlike health information and medical records technicians, medical assistants work with patients directly, often taking their vital signs and medical histories. If you love working with people, becoming a medical assistant may be just what you need. Those who want to become medical assistants can complete a two or one-year medical assisting program, either through an associates degree program or certificate, respectively. Job opportunities in this field are expected to grow by 34% from 2008-2018. Pharmacy Technician Pharmacy technicians help licensed pharmacists to provide healthcare and medical products to patients. They dont answer questions about prescriptions, but perform administrative tasks, count tablets, and label bottles. The responsibilities of these technicians vary according to state laws. Since there are currently no federal requirements and few state requirements for formal pharmacy technician training, many employers offer on-the-job training to those wanting to become technicians without attending many years of school. Pharmacy technicians can find work in hospitals and pharmacies, such as those found in drug and grocery stores. Many work part-time, but most work full-time. Pharmacy technicians earn a median wage of $28,400 per annum. Job opportunities in this specialty are expected to grow by 32% from 2010-2020, which will make it one of the fastest growing careers. The various careers in the healthcare sector are stable and are rarely affected by recession. If youre interested in working in the field of health, you should start exploring the numerous career opportunities available and find a good school near you. Author Bio Sarah Daren is a writer who creates articles in the field of health. This article explains potential careers in the health industry and aims to encourage further study with an Online Radiology Degree . This is a Guest post. If you would like to submit a guest post to CareerAlley, please follow these guest post guidelines. Good luck in your search. Visit me on Facebook

Friday, May 8, 2020

CV Resume Writing Tips - How to Write a Good CV Resume

CV Resume Writing Tips - How to Write a Good CV ResumeWhen you are working on your CV resume writing, the most important thing is to have your CV resume written in a way that is appealing and at the same time powerful. One important point is that you need to have all the right information that you need to make a good impression on your prospective employer. So, before you proceed with your CV resume writing you need to go through the different sections of the document and learn how to write such a resume. The best way to go about it is to look at some examples of CVs and observe how the professionals are writing them.If you find that your writing is at par with the other CV sample writing then you should not worry about the style. You can try using different variations of CV resume writing. Try out styles like passive cv resume writing, abstract and sequential CV resume writing, resume writing for schools. The style of the CV, resume writing depends on the requirement of the job you are applying for.To build a great CV resume write it using a combination of the formats. You need to find out the format that suits your needs best. For example, you need to present your own facts while writing the resume. So, make sure that the formatting includes your own facts.PPT stands for a PowerPoint presentation. You will find people who will let you know that PowerPoint presentations are not the best way to present the CV. PowerPoint CV resumes writing is an effective way to showcase your skills and expertise but it does not include any kind of presentation of the CV as the process is technical.If you are in search of the best CV writer and want to build a good CV, you can either take the help of the Internet or you can hire a professional CV writer. Nowadays, there are many CV writers who have become very proficient and have gained enough experience. However, it is important to see the details of the CV writing before hiring a CV writer.Before you finalize on a CV writer, make sure that you will be able to negotiate with him and get the rates for the work you want. If you have several CV writer to choose from, go with the one who has the best reputation in the market.Then, it is also important to make sure that you will be able to create the PPT in such a way that it will impress the readers. In this way, they will understand and remember you and they will refer you for any job that you might be interested in. You need to make sure that the writing you are doing for your CV is what the reader wants to read and it is something that is necessary.After you have learned how to write a resume properly, you can practice writing them as well. The best CV writers will provide a sample resume for you to work on and this can help you in your CV resume writing. There are many more CV resume writing tips that you can find online.